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Product Image of Chernobyl #1



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Lim­ited to 300 cop­ies72 Pages full col­ourISBN 978-0-9575703-0-6

"In April 1986, re­actor No.4 of the Chernobyl nuc­lear power plant ex­ploded. Heli­copter pi­lots spent two weeks dump­ing thou­sands of tonnes of sand on the fire be­fore it was fi­nally ex­tin­guished. Sol­diers then used wheel­bar­rows and shovels to col­lect ra­dio­act­ive rubble, which they tipped into the cent­ral heap. Fi­nally con­struc­tion crews ar­rived. Dur­ing the six months pro­ceed­ing the ac­ci­dent they built a steel and con­crete con­tain­ment struc­ture over the re­act­or's re­mains. They nick­named it the Sar­co­phagus. It was badly con­struc­ted. It has cor­roded. Now it could col­lapse." This pho­to­graphy book stud­ies two of the sur­round­ing areas to the Chernobyl Nuc­lear power plant as well as the plant it­self where a large scale en­gin­eer­ing pro­ject is well un­der way. Fore­word by An­drew Hankin­son and de­signed by Tom Munckton the book is sec­tion sewn and has a unique fold out cover with an in­ner cover as well, re­flect­ing the pro­tect­ive ob­ject­ives of the New Safe Con­fine­ment doc­u­mented in the book.

Product Image of Chernobyl #1
Product Image of Chernobyl #2
Product Image of Chernobyl #3
Product Image of Chernobyl #4
Product Image of Chernobyl #5
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